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Debt Collection

FDCPA Overview
Common Violations
Collector Abuse
Cease & Desist
Collection Log

The Consumer Law Center, Inc., is a San Jose, California law firm dedicated to the protection of consumers against abusive and illegal collection practices by debt collectors.

We end collection harassment.

In the past year, have any of these things happened to you?


Threatened with garnishment, liens, or arrest for not paying a bill?


Collection agency called your neighbors, friends, or employer?


Received abusive phone messages from bill collectors?


Sworn at or insulted by collection agents on the phone?


Called by a collection agency at your workplace after telling the collector not to call you there?


Lied to, threatened, harassed by a collector?

If you have suffered from any of these abusive bill collection practices, you may be entitled to compensation.  We can help any consumer who is currently in collections, or has suffered from collection harassment.

No Fee Unless We Recover

The rights afforded to you under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA") mean that the debt collector who violated your rights may ultimately be made to pay your attorney's fees, if your case is successful.  If you hire our office to represent with regard to an FDCPA case, you won't pay any attorney's fees unless we recover on your behalf. Although you will be responsible for any other costs in your lawsuit.

Call for a Free Consultation

We can help anyone who has received a collection letter, notice, phone call, or visit, either from a collection agency or attorney trying to collect a consumer debt.  Contact us for a free consultation.

For more information about your rights under the FDCPA, please select one of the following:


FDCPA Overview


What to Do if You're Abused By a Collector


Stop Debt Collectors Dead in Their Tracts


Collection Communications Log

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August 04, 2006


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