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Privacy Policy


The Consumer Law Center, Inc., knows that the privacy of the personal information that we receive about you is important to you.  We understand that you trust us to protect the confidentiality and security of that information.  The information we collect about you is used only to provide the legal and fiduciary accounting services that you request form us.  The information is not used for marketing purposes.  Although there is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of nonpublic personal information about consumers, as attorneys, we have been and continue to be bound by professional standards of confidentiality that are even more stringent than those required by this law.

This notice informs you of our privacy policy and describes how we treat the information that we receive about you.  Please take a moment to review the policy and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns

What Types of Information Do We Collect About You?

The Consumer Law Center, Inc., collects nonpublic personal information about you only in connection with providing you with the legal or fiduciary accounting services (i.e. such as the maintenance of trust accounts) that you request.  The types of nonpublic personal information that we collect varies according to the services we perform for you, and may include:


Information that we receive from you that is required to perform our professional services (such as your name, address, social security number, income, assets, liabilities, and other financial or household information that may be needed);


Information about your relationship with us (such as the type of legal service we provide to you, your invoice balances, and your payment history); and


Information that we receive, with you authorization, or as a result of legal action taken on your behalf, from third parties such as attorneys, creditors, collection agents, collection attorneys, bankruptcy Trustees, consumer credit reporting agencies, finance companies, accountants, financial advisors, insurance agents, banking institutions and others.

How Do We Handle Your Information?

The Consumer Law Center, Inc., does not disclose any public or nonpublic information about you that you have provided to us to anyone outside of our firm, except as authorized by you or required by law such as the Bankruptcy Code, the Federal Bankruptcy Rules, or the Local Bankruptcy Rules for the Northern District of California.  For example, with your consent, we may disclose personal information to a third-party contractor, such as an appraiser or accountant, who is assisting us in providing professional services to you.  Also, in order to provide proper services to clients we will release information to the extent required by law, rule, or regulation.  For example, all fillings with the United States District Court and United States Bankruptcy Court are public records and are made available to the public via the internet.  Therefore, some information about you would be accessible to the public.

Do We Share Information with Marketers?

We do not sell client information to anyone or disclose client information to marketing companies.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

We restrict access to public and nonpublic personal information about you that you have provided to us to those attorneys and staff members of the Consumer Law Center, Inc., who need to now the information to provide legal or fiduciary accounting services to you.  All attorneys and employees of the Consumer Law Center, Inc., are required to maintain the confidentiality of all nonpublic personal information about you.  We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with both federal law and our more stringent professional standards to protect the public and nonpublic personal information that you have provided to us.

Privacy Policy Changes

The right to change this policy is reserved by the Consumer Law Center, Inc.  We are sensitive to your privacy concerns and make every effort to change and update our privacy policy to better protect your rights.

WEBSITE Privacy Policy

The use of the internet by you creates different privacy concerns that should be explained. The Consumer Law Center, Inc., maintains a website at

The WEBSITE is hosted by Win$ave. The privacy policy of this company can be found at:

User Supplied Information

The Consumer Law Center, Inc., through its website does not seek to collect any public or nonpublic information from you.  Since the use of the website, contact via email, or completion of a form does not create an attorney client privilege the information supplied by you as a user of the WEBSITE is not protected by the same sensitive privacy policy that is used for client information.  Although the Consumer Law Center, Inc., will make an attempt to protect the privacy of any user supplied information the user should always be aware that the Consumer Law Center, Inc., cannot warrant the security of the information submitted by you and any submission is done at your own risk.  Furthermore, the user must be aware that any information sent via the internet is subject to being read by many people so the user sends information at their own risk.


Many websites use cookies as a way to track information about users.  Cookies are pieces of information that are transmitted from a website to your hard drive.  The cookie becomes a log that collects information about you that generally can only be read by the website that delivered it.  Cookies have become a standard part of the internet and are used to collect information that allows the site to track a user's purchases or to remember a user's password.  A user by adjusting their browser can be warned when a website is attempting to send a cookie.  Furthermore, the browser can be adjusted to reject cookies.

The Consumer Law Center, Inc., does not employ cookies to collect information about users of our website.  Cookies, however, may be sent by the site host (Win$ave) and are subject to their privacy policy. We urge users of the website to read the privacy policy of Win$ave.

Resource Links

Our website contains links to other sites that we feel may be of interest to our users.  Although we have reviewed the content of these sites we cannot be responsible for their individual privacy polices.  We urge our users to read each sites individual privacy policy.

Consumer Law Center, Inc.
12 South First Street, Suite 416
San Jose, California  95113-2404
408.294.6100 (voice)
408.294.6190 (fax)

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March 03, 2005


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