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Contact Us

Company Name

Consumer Law Center, Inc.


12 South First Street, Suite 416
San Jose, CA  95113-2404

Telephone Number

(408) 294-6100

Facsimile Number

(408) 294-6190

Email Address

Please feel free to contact us using our online contact form.

Confidentiality: All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.


First Name:

Last Name:

What Date Is Best For You?

What Time Is Best For You?

Which Do You Prefer?

In Office Consultation
Telephone Consultation

Your Email Address:
In case we can’t get in touch by phone.

Your Best Phone Number:

()  - 

Your Next Best Phone Number:
(Helpful, but not required)


Best Time To Call:

The following information is NOT required, but will help us to better help you.

Do you own a home?

Yes     No
If so, what is its value?
Loan amount?  (All Loans)
Do you currently have insurance? Yes     No
Are you behind in your home payments? Yes     No
If so, what is the total amount that you are behind?

Do you own a car?

Yes     No
If so, what is its value?
Loan amount?
Do you currently have insurance? Yes     No
Are you behind in your car payments? Yes     No
If so, what is the total amount that you are behind?

Have you filed your income tax returns for 2004 and all prior years?

Yes     No
If you have unfiled tax returns, please list the years in which you have not filed tax returns.

Do you own any income taxes?

Yes     No
If so, please list the years and amounts owed.

How much do you owe on credit cards?


How much do you owe on medical bills?


Are you currently being contacted by debt collectors?

Yes     No

Total Unsecured Debt You Have?

A rough estimate of the total is okay.  Unsecured debts are debts like credit cards, medical bills, finance companies, and personal loans where none of your property listed as "collateral."

Total Monthly Minimum Payments?

If you had the money to pay on all your unsecured debts on time each month, how much would the minimum payments add up to.  Just give us an approximate amount.  Is it $300 per month?  $500 per month?  $1,000 per month?  More?

Do you owe any student loans?

Yes     No
If so, how much do you owe?

Do you owe any Traffic Tickets, Criminal Fines or Restitution?

Yes     No
If so, how much do you owe?

Are you behind in your Maintenance, Alimony or Child Support payments?

Yes     No
If so, how much do you owe?

Please tell us a little about your financial situation.

What are your biggest financial problems?

What would you like to see happen?


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March 03, 2005


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