options are available if your credit card discharges
are challenged?
First of all,
you should consult an attorney before filing to
lessen the likelihood of a challenge. If you are
concerned about a challenge by a credit card issuer
to the discharge of a particular debt, there are
several strategies available:
Wait to file bankruptcy to put more time
and/or more payments on the account between
usage and filing.
File Chapter 13 where even debts that may have
been incurred fraudulently are dischargeable.
Convert the case to Chapter 13 if
non-dischargeability actions are filed.
Contest the suit at trial; if you win, you may
recover attorney fees incurred to defend the
Settle with an objecting creditor if it
appears likely you would lose a trial on a
non-dischargeability action. |
more information about bankruptcy, please
call us at 408-294-6100, or e-mail us via
info@sjconsumerlaw.com. One of our
attorneys will be able to answer any questions
which you may have in greater detail. Please
remember that the foregoing information is of a
general nature, and does not constitute legal
advice. The facts of each situation are unique,
and we must discuss those facts with you before
any advice can be given. |