What About Debt
Paying for debt counseling is almost never a
good idea. There is almost nothing that a
paid debt counselor can offer other than a
recommendation about whether bankruptcy is
appropriate and a list of highly priced debt
consolidation lenders. There is no good
reason to pay someone for this service. A
reputable attorney will generally provide
counseling on whether bankruptcy is the best
option. This avoids the double charge of
having to pay a counselor and then an attorney.
If bankruptcy is not the right answer for you, a
good attorney will offer a range of other
more information about bankruptcy, please
call us at 408-294-6100, or e-mail us via
info@sjconsumerlaw.com. One of our
attorneys will be able to answer any questions
which you may have in greater detail. Please
remember that the foregoing information is of a
general nature, and does not constitute legal
advice. The facts of each situation are unique,
and we must discuss those facts with you before
any advice can be given.