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Bankruptcy Types

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Bankruptcy Types
Chapter 7
Chapter 13
Chapter 11
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 What types of bankruptcies are available?

There are four types of bankruptcy cases provided under the law:


Chapter 7 is known as “straight” bankruptcy or “liquidation.” It requires a debtor to give up property which exceeds certain limits called “exemptions,” so the property can be sold to pay creditors.


Chapter 11, known as “reorganization,” is used by businesses and a few individual debtors whose debts are very large.


Chapter 12 is reserved for family farmers.


Chapter 13 is called “debt adjustment” or “wage earner” reorganization. It requires a debtor to file a plan to pay debts (or parts of debts) from current income.

Most people filing bankruptcy will be eligible to file under either chapter 7 or chapter 13. Either type of case may be filed individually or by a married couple filing jointly.

Chapter 7 (Straight Bankruptcy)

In a bankruptcy case under chapter 7, you file a petition asking the court to discharge your debts. The basic idea in a chapter 7 bankruptcy is to wipe out (discharge) your debts in exchange for your giving up your non-exempt property (the law allows you to keep certain “exempt” property). In most cases, all of your personal property will be exempt. But property which is not exempt is sold, with the money distributed to your creditors.

If you want to keep property like a home or a car and are behind on the payments on a mortgage or car loan, a chapter 13 case probably will be the right choice for you.  Click here for additional questions and answers on Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 (Reorganization)

In a chapter 13 case you file a “plan” showing how you will pay some part of your past-due and current debts over three to five years. The most important thing about a chapter 13 case is that it will allow you to keep valuable propertyespecially your home and carwhich might otherwise be lost, if you can make the payments which the bankruptcy law requires to be made to your creditors. In most cases, these payments will be at least as much as your regular monthly payments on your mortgage or car loan, with some extra payment to get caught up on the amount you have fallen behind.

You should consider filing a chapter 13 plan if:


You own your home and are in danger of losing it because of money problems;


You are behind on debt payments, but can catch up if given some time; or,


You have valuable property which is not exempt, and you can afford to pay creditors from your income over time.

You will need to have enough income in chapter 13 to pay for your necessities and to keep up with the required “plan” payments as they come due.  Click here for additional questions and answers on Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

For more information about bankruptcy, please call us at 408-294-6100, or e-mail us via  One of our attorneys will be able to answer any questions which you may have in greater detail.  Please remember that the foregoing information is of a general nature, and does not constitute legal advice.  The facts of each situation are unique, and we must discuss those facts with you before any advice can be given.

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May 28, 2004

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